Friday, April 8, 2011


Recovery is a struggle for my sister. I'll travel by bus to Vancouver tomorrow, visit her in the hospital and take her some licorice allsorts, a sudoku puzzle book and a good cup of coffee. Still not sure how long she will stay in the hospital before returning home or how long I will stay with her.

The following is an excerpt from Eve Ensler, author of the Vagina Monologues, following her surgery for ovarian cancer:

I have a scar
A warrior track that runs down
My 57-year-old body
Each time I look at it I am reminded that I was opened up 
in order to remove the darkness
I was laid bare in order to be free of the pain
I surrendered in order to find my power 
Each time I see my scar
I am reminded that I was lucky
That I had insurance
That I could afford the most extraordinary and loving surgeons and doctors
That I was surrounded by an embarrassment of love and friends and family who bought me soup and presents
And rubbed my feet and made me eggs at 6 in the morning 
when I was ready to throw up
I am reminded that I mattered 
And because of that I recovered
I know that every single person deserves this attention
Every single person
And so my scar has become a permanent tattoo 
Calling for inclusion and joy.

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