Tuesday, March 5, 2013

An internal discussion

I am having a discussion with myself. It isn't easy because the "me who wants what she wants" always has valid arguments. The "me who wants to change the habits of the me who wants what she wants" is readily convinced that any changes are unnecessary.

The internal discussion began when I decided (maybe) to leave my laptop behind when we go to Greece. It is heavy and I thought that it would be a good idea to lighten the load. That's when the internal suggestions started to pop into my head.

I could buy another ipad so that we each have one, but, would I rather spend $500 on another ipad or on travel experiences. Then a serious thought surfaced. Why not try to travel without being glued to an electronic device?! OMG!! What about my scrabble addiction? What about my blog? What about my photos? What about email? Of course we would still have John's ipad. That would mean constant disagreements about whose turn it is to use the damned thing!

Finally it dawned on me! Too many hours in my day are absorbed by the need to be connected!
So, we will travel with John's ipad as well as my writing pad, drawing book and camera. In lieu of looking at an electronic screen I will savour my surroundings, draw my impressions and write some thoughts. That will be enough. (maybe)

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