Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Jenga farewell

Yesterday was a gorgeous day...the first really warm day in quite a while so I thought about a swim at Agia Anna...maybe my last. By the time I got to the beach, after helping Suvi to "cast-off" her knitting project, the sun was still on the water but not on the beach. I couldn't make myself think about exiting the sea into the shade of the swim.

In the early evening we joined Mata at Prekas Cafenion in Katapola. Sitting at the old tables we imitated the old men who gather to drink raki and play cards. Our game of choice was Saskatchewan Rummy.

Later we gathered at Jazzmin for Suvi's farewell dinner and a rousing game of Jenga!!

Mata was worried about a topple!

Oops!...I was the one who finally made it fall!

Difficult to say goodbye even though Elena will join Suvi in India soon.

Our farewell frangelica toast!
Suvi will always hold a special place in our hearts.

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