Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Spring Break

We have decided that it must be Spring Break in some areas of North America. Thousands of students travel to Mexico to indulge in a constant state of drunkenness. Our residence in Mismaloya is surrounded by "Party" houses. On one side there are about one dozen young people who prefer to hear their music at top volume all day and night. It is barely tolerable during our awake hours but when they return from the City clubs at 4:00am and turn up the is very disturbing!

Above us, on top of the hill, the rap music that travelled down to us yesterday for hours was laced with curse words. On the other side of us there is a mansion that currently houses about 30 young people. Fortunately the noise from their partying is not as intrusive. This week we have spent more time indoors with the windows and doors closed against the onslaught of inebriated language and noise pollution!

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