Monday, March 30, 2020

Stay healthy!

It was a chilly walk this morning with the wind blowing me sideways as I increased my pace to keep warm. I passed three people in 35 minutes with the exception of customers already lined up at No Frills grocery store. A flicker was madly hammering on the top of a metal street light, squirrels scampered across the roads...seemingly aware of less traffic. I was showered in pink blossoms as the wind whipped through overhead branches.

My fitbit gives me happy results when I finish my walks. There is no need to wait for traffic lights or to worry about jaywalking. The world is recovery...taking a deep breath...preparing for the challenge ahead when we mingle again. Meanwhile...STAY HEALTHY!

Thinking of our family on Vancouver Island and sending our love!

Also...take a couple of minutes to support our essential service and health care workers 
at 7:00pm each night. Stand outside and cheer, clap or bang a pot!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeayy,!! so happy to found you :) This is great picture and everyone is looking safe and healthy :)

    Have a great day !

