Monday, August 30, 2021

New murals in the city

I enjoyed another trip into the big city with my sister this morning 

to discover and photograph new murals for 2021.

The murals at this location (21st & Cambie Street)are on either side 
of small community gathering places with picnic tables, chairs 
and weekly events that include family games.

I couldn't resist this true!

The murals are a reflection of diverse talent. They brighten the urban landscape and provide surprises around every corner. Some are tucked into alleyways and others are on the sides of homes. I hope that all are appreciated and that "taggers" will respect the artists' work.

Sunday, August 22, 2021


After happily receiving my second jab of Pfizer vaccine I finally felt comfortable enough to enjoy a morning coffee and freshly baked scone at the local cafe. The owner had placed tables outside and I could sit with my coffee, writing book and watch people pass by for an hour.

When the mask mandate was lifted, the owner and all of the staff immediately stopped wearing masks. She had never installed a plexiglass shield between staff and customers but the distance between us was about 5-6 feet so I was not too concerned. I continued to wear a mask while picking up my order.

Everything was looking good. Covid numbers were dropping. People were rejoicing. But, before too long the Delta variant started to surge. Once again I am anxious about going to the cafe. The staff are all around 20 years of age. They are not wearing masks and they are talking to each other and me while preparing my order. Is my coffee contaminated? How are the scones handled before landing on my plate?

I hate this feeling of fear that has been regenerated! In the meantime I will enjoy a home brewed coffee and toast in the morning. When the urge to people watch is overwhelming I will sit in the local park with my writing book and observe the oddities of dog walkers.

It is my very strong feeling that the mask mandate should be reinstated, not just for public spaces but also for cafe and restaurant staff!!

New painting...The Empty Chair