Friday, February 18, 2022

From Cancer Clinic to Spring days

 It has been quite an interesting few weeks. My sister arrived from Campbell River on January 27th. We settled into my other sister's home (because she is in Arizona and her home was available for us with two bedrooms) for the duration of her radiation treatments. The next day we drove to the Surrey Cancer Clinic to meet with the Oncologist and to have all of the necessary prep done. A warm piece of meshed silicon was draped and shaped over her face to keep her head firmly in place during radiation treatments. This mask was given to her at the end of treatments.

During the days leading up to radiation we managed to shop, eat, walk, eat, nap, eat, shop, eat. Finally, on February 3rd she received the first treatment. On February 10th, after a total of five treatments we boarded the ferry for Vancouver Island and drove to her home in Campbell River. Other than fatigue, she was doing okay.

Searching for sea glass at Campbell River

After spending two nights in Campbell River I drove over to Comox for my "Christmas" visit with Heather, Chris and August. All of my travel plans were cancelled at the end of 2021 due to Covid so we exchanged Christmas gifts and shared much needed time together for three days. August invented a new game that kept us in stitches(Blue balls Frapuchino), Heather prepared amazing meals and Chris introduced me to the addictive pursuit of WORDL!

A sunny day visit to Filberg Park

On Valentine's Day I returned to Campbell River to check on my sister and enjoy a couple more days with her. With her improved balance we toured the neighborhood on daily walks, inspected new building sites and looked for budding crocus along the way. Finally on February 16th I boarded the ferry and headed home to sleep in my own bed for the first time in three weeks!

A sure sign of Spring this morning!