Sunday, June 8, 2014

House seller's limbo...again!

I just checked back through the blog to find my thoughts from the last time that we listed the house for sale in 2011. It is amazingly similar! How could I have thought that our home would sell in 4-5 days this time??? It has been over two months with only six viewings. We have repeatedly dusted, mopped, vacuumed and scoured this place from top to bottom, inside and out. Only those who have been through this process will totally relate to the unsettled feeling that envelops house sellers.

After two months we dropped the price, hoping to attract some attention...and we wait.

Meanwhile, creativity has ground to a halt. There are no paintings being painted, no writings being written and very little imaginative thinking taking place.

That is what led me to apply black gesso to a number of paintings that did not show signs of success. It was a calming and liberating feeling. At least I held a paint brush for a while...and freed several older pieces from the possibility of being trashed. Now I can gift them to other artist friends and give them the opportunity of creation.

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