Monday, July 9, 2018

Travels since 2000

Every now and then we become focused on the past...wondering where our travels have taken us. we sat down and reviewed journals, drawing books and photos to come up with a travel history for the eighteen years of this astounding reminder of our travels.

Since the year 2000...we will have flown to Greece 14 times (including the upcoming trip in September) and visited 27 Greek islands. Our friends Theo and Kalliroi have been our guides for many of the island trips, introducing us to locations that we would not have found by ourselves.

There have been adventures in 18 European countries. During our stay in England we spent time with a long lost stepsister before searching through graveyards in Scotland for family history. Through the Balkan countries we travelled with a group of young friends who were very attentive to the older couple from Canada who were extremely grateful to be included.

We explored Turkey with old friends...sharing hot air balloon rides over Cappadocia and many encounters around the country with friendly carpet salesmen. A later visit to Turkish friends in Istanbul confirmed that their city is one of our favourites!

In Mexico we have explored Puerto Vallarta during 9 visits that included road trips to Sayulita, Guadalajara, Tlaquepaque and Morelia. In the United States we flew to Chicago for a 90th birthday party, appreciated the galleries and museums of Washington DC and the donut delights of Portland, Oregon.

While travelling through the Canadian maritime provinces of Nova Scotia, PEI, New Brunswick and Newfoundland we discovered the French islands of St. Pierre and Michelon. Research into our heritage took us to Sherbrooke and Trois Riviere in Quebec and into the parliament buildings in Ottawa. John's grandfather was the Federal MP for BC and the Yukon at the turn of the 20th century and we were able to read some of his comments in the Hansard records. Meanwhile relocation of family members has encouraged two road trips to Saskatchewan and several ferry sailings to Vancouver Island.

All of these travels have been woven with tales of friendships and sharing...encounters with people from around the world that have left a lasting legacy of memories. Why would we stop?

As usual, our feet are starting to feel itchy! 
There are three trips scheduled for the next 12 months. 
Hope to see you along the way!

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