Wednesday, March 24, 2021

A "POUR" painting


On Sunday I helped my sister with a "POUR" painting.

This is the end result after many pourings, tippings and blowings with a straw and a hairdryer.
She used a combination of acrylic paints, Elmer's glue, water and WD40
to get a variety of textures and reactions.

Friday, March 19, 2021

The wedding

 Yesterday was a very emotional day! Our youngest son, Adrian, was married in a small ceremony at South Memorial ballpark in Vancouver where they met six years ago.  Their plans for a big wedding last October had to be cancelled due to Covid. This was a special celebration of their union.

Despite the threat of rain the skies stayed clear for the ceremony.

After the ceremony they shared a pitch...

...and an attempted hit!

Sharing a moment in the middle of the road!

Wishing him happiness in his next chapter!

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

the update

Forgot that I was intending to post an update. It all seems like it happened years ago...not much to say except that, as usual, the prep was worse than the procedures. Turns out that I have a hiatus hernia which is causing a problem. The Gastro Doc also removed three polyps from my colon. Old age continues!

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Gastro procedures

So, I received a call on Friday evening from the Gastro Doctor asking me if I would be available on Monday morning for my Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy. She had a cancellation. As I had expected to wait until April, I immediately accepted and started to adjust my diet. Today is clear liquids until 4:00pm when I will try to drink 2 liters of the obnoxious liquid that was prescribed. From that point on I will be positioned either close to or on the toilet! Since my procedure is scheduled for 8:00am, I have to drink the remaining 2 liters around 2:00am. Arrival at Abbotsford Hospital is supposed to be 7:30am. There is no adjustment in the amount of obnoxious liquid for the weight of the patient!! John, when he weighed 200 pounds, swallowed the same amount! Haven't figured out how to wake myself for the 2:00am bout. Might be easier to stay awake...or maybe I will not have a choice. Update to follow.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

A trip down Memory Lane


Yesterday my sister and I drove into Vancouver for a little trip down Memory Lane.

The house that Dad built in 1952-1953 has a bit more greenery,
but otherwise, has not changed.

My grandparents' house has not changed since it was built over 100 years ago.
Its days are numbered!

We also visited the area east of Main Street where many murals are painted.

Our final stop was on Commercial Drive which continues to reflect a rich cultural mix.