Thursday, May 6, 2010

Murphy's Law

It must be Murphy's Law! When I checked on John last night as he watched the hockey game, I noticed a splotch of blood on his t-shirt. Closer inspection revealed that the dressing over his incision was full of blood and leaking. I quickly drove down to the hospital to ask for a couple of new bandages. The nurse didn't seem alarmed when I explained the situation. Back home I redressed the area and soaked the t-shirt. Before bed, I checked it again and discovered that the new bandage had also filled and was leaking. Once again I applied a new dressing and we got ready for bed after soaking t-shirt No. 2. By 6am we were in trouble again. I threw the third t-shirt into the sink and we headed for Emergency.

What luck!! Within minutes we were admitted. Ten minutes later John's blood was collected for INR testing and the Doctor appeared. He said that John required a suture and immediately set about to seal the leak! His INR test was fine. We were in and out in just over one hour!!!

Don't get me wrong!! All of the hospital personnel, without exception, have been amazing...but, I really hope we don't have to see any of them again!...unless it's at the grocery store or the theatre!!

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