Saturday, August 27, 2011

A fever!

I must be a dreadful nurse! John ended up in Emergency at the local hospital last night with a fever, not a good post-surgery sign! Anyway, they did a battery of tests, couldn't determine the cause and this morning he woke up feeling cool and well enough to come home. Once again, I stuffed him into the back seat of the car. This time he tackled the back stairs, a bit easier than entering through the front.

We both caught up on some sleep during the afternoon before alternating between knee exercises and icing sessions while competing at backgammon. Even in his weakened state, he won the challenge!

The small TV has been moved to the bedroom now. It is too challenging for John to thrust himself out of a chair in the TV room. His shoulders and legs refuse to cooperate.  After dinner we stretched out on the bed and watched Jack Layton's funeral, sharing emotions with millions of viewers across Canada.

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