Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Trucks and bananas

Apparently we slept through an exciting night on the road below us. Some engineering genius decided that it was a good idea to repave one side of the road only to start with. This works fine for the majority of vehicles but is a disaster for the semis that go back and forth. Last night a load of bananas(in crates) was dumped at the curve in the road.
By the time we visited the site, the crates were neatly stacked and the truck (and driver) had disappeared. The next semi to come along could not make the corner curve on the newly paved portion. Normally the drivers have to swerve into the oncoming lane in order to make the turn but he didn't have enough new pavement so the truck ended up off the road in the front and back.
Major traffic delays resulted as multiple crews tried to plan the next step. Fortunately we were heading out for a morning walk and not planning to drive anywhere. Doug is suggesting to passersby that I was responsible for this disaster!

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