Every morning I take up residence in our living room,
sitting with my back to the outside world,
surrounded by bits and pieces of our history.
A rack of CD's...world music to our ears
Carved figurines from Dad's African adventures
Mitch's puppet transported from Cambodia
Pnina Granier's geese fly above the stairs
The plush contours of my aunt's fading sofas
A gramophone cabinet from John's childhood
A long legged, tufted bird sits on the treadle sewing machine
with heart shaped rocks from Greek beaches at her feet
Slow moving brass hands on a brother-in-law clock
Turkish hand woven cushion on the floor
John's smiling face portrayed on galvanized steel
Glossy green gifted leaves of the penis plant
A silk painting brought from China
Reflections of a meerschaum pipe & whale's tooth
Two open mouthed fish nestle on Moroccan silk
Chinese ink sticks, fossils & a skull
A huddle of three musicians in Jen's pastels
Kingsmill raku on the hearth
Mayumi's lime green rubber vase holds roses
A crystal wine decanter beside a small bird on a branch
A Mexican angel flanks a small red house
Inuit soapstone atop a tall handmade cabinet
Chinese lanterns droop from a Saltspring vase
A hat shaped glass lamp carried from Tuscany
Nana, Mum, aunties and sisters rest on the walls
A self portrait peeks from the corner
There are so many stories contained in this collection!