Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Bedroom by 9:00pm

We are usually in our room, sitting on the bed with books and/or devices by 9:00pm...unless our hosts are entertaining guests or we are dining out. Last night I found myself wondering WHY?

After much overnight analysis(with wake up calls to ponder the issue at 1:00am, 4:00am and 6:00am) I came to the following conclusion. While we socialise with a lot of people, we are also very accustomed to our alone time. Since John retired and the kids left home we spend many hours every day in each others company. There is no continual chatter with workmates or children...there is just us.

So...to live with... and connect with... and communicate with...and coordinate with other people every day for eight weeks...necessitates an escape to the bedroom around 9:00pm. It is a quiet time. We don't need to talk...just to relax.

It isn't that we don't love our hosts. They are family to us and generously welcome us into their home each year...but we also recognise that they need time to themselves as much as we do. So, when dinner is finished and cleared away, we wish them sweet dreams and drift upstairs.

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